Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2014

Today marks another Bloom Day as garden bloggers worldwide share what is blooming in their gardens. Our pleasantly cool summer has continued as I strolled around the Lot to see what was blooming here in Zone 6a. Looking back on the Bloom Day post for August of last year, I noticed many of the same plants are blooming.

Coral Bell

The coral bells in Loki’s bed are doing their August thing.


This season there were some renovations and additions to the beds near the back of the Lot at the rain barrels.  Some chartreuse plumbago on the north side of the house was not receiving enough sun. I moved it to one of the rain barrel beds and now it really looks great with the cascade of blooms from  the butterfly bush.


Another addition to the same bed is a Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), a blue counterpart to the traditionally red cardinal flower. This plant was purchased with others at a native plant sale this past April. It’s looking a bit peaked, though it still produced blooms. I’m wondering if the seasonally wet bed doesn’t have consistent enough moisture for it.

Hardy Mum

The mum in the backyard lot is larger than ever this year and in great need of being divided. It’s blocking a lot of light needed by the aster behind it.


And here is another one of those serendipitous seeds sowings Mother Nature provides. A sprig of black-eyed susans sprung up beside the plumbago and sage on the other side of the backyard bed. She has quite the eye.


In the fence bed, the coreopsis is looking pretty against the purple foilage of the sedum.


And more black-eyed susans are cozy with the winter savory that is in bloom.


The hosta in the shady gate bed is blooming.


Around front in the south bed, many of the same plants are in bloom as last month. Though the monarda has passed, the coreopsis and cone flowers are still going strong. Joining them this month are (even more) black-eyed susans and the blanket flower.


Also in the south bed is this lovely hibiscus. I’m not sure if there is enough moisture in this hot bed for the hibiscus. However, since it is just recovering from being moved so often, I’ll give it another season here and see how it does.


Finally, I thought I’d include a snapshot of a container from the front porch. It’s just a simple combo of some annual lantana and pentas, providing a summer treat for pollinators. This container may or may not have been a result of my dear Other Half forgetting to water the petunias while I was away in Portland.

That is all for the Lot this month. Visit Carol’s August post at May Dreams Gardens for more photos on what is blooming in other gardens.

4 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2014

  1. Next year, I say we get nuthin’ but nice, drought resistant succulents, sedum, and cacti for the front baskets. Or maybe something that looks good dried…. 😉

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