Category Archives: Urban gardening

Veggies 5.0

With spring running a few weeks behind, we planted the cold weather crops today in the 4’x4′ vegetable beds in the backyard of the Lot. I had ventured out this past week to pick up some new vegetables to try. Those are marked with an asterix below.

The Cold Crop Lineup

Here is what the first round of planting included:

  • Melting Sugar Snow Peas
  • Oregon Sugar Pod II Peas*
  • Hollow Crown Parsnips
  • Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach*
  • Evergreen Long White Bunching Onion
  • French Breakfast Radish
  • Baby Bok Choy Pak Choi*
  • All Season Butterhead Mix Lettuce

From Lot to Pot

This season we will be growing some of the veggies in pots. I picked up some Bright Lights Swiss Chard to plant among the pots and even in the perennial beds because it is so pretty and colorful. It’s a bonus we get to eat it!

Since we love snow peas so much, two different varieties were planted. I also planted a large container with a tee-pee trellis with snow peas. When the snow peas are finished for the season, this large pot will be the home of a tomato plant.