Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2013

There are only a few photos to share today for the March 2013 Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day. We had a sunny day yesterday on the Lot that caused a few of the spring bulbs to push further out of the ground. A single yellow crocus was in bloom, but I didn’t get a picture of it today. The blossom was closed up due to the overcast skies.

The first spring flower to show in number has been the snowdrops my Other Half so lovingly plunked into the ground in a matter of minutes in fall 2011. We both noticed the little bulbs are already growing in number and spreading. Here they are growing in both a bed directly behind our house and in a bed at the southwest corner of the garage.

Snowdrops SnowdropsDaffodils, a few tulips, and some star of Bethlehem are all beginning to peak up through the ground. The south bed at the front of the house is always ahead and brings a lot of the Lot’s early spring flowers. Hopefully I will be able to share those during next month’s Bloom Day.

PrimroseHere is a little primrose keeping me company in my home office. It bloomed just in time for March Bloom Day. Outside I hear the first of the Canadian Geese returning from their winter migration. We have lost a lot of our snow, but the weather remains cold which is good. Though it was lovely strolling down the road and seeing trees in bloom at the end of last March, it really messed up the fruit crops in our state. The sudden, late frost killed a lot of blossoms. Hopefully this year we will be able to more naturally ease into spring.

Anything interesting blooming in your garden this month? Make sure to visit May Dreams Gardens who hosts Bloom Day. It’s always a lot of fun to see what other gardeners around the world have blooming.

8 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2013

  1. Your little primrose is so sweet! Nice of it to bloom right on time for GBBD, too. 🙂

    I’m glad that you left a comment so I could find your blog, by the way. Looking forward to what the Lot has in store for April’s Bloom Day!

    1. Thank you for visiting. Looking forward to a return visit to your blog and beautiful photography in April. ‘Til then!

  2. Hi Jane, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Nice to see your snowdrops are flowering, I did hear last year about your very early spring, and then a frost period that did a lot of damage. Better to have things ‘normal’, I agree. I wish things were normal over here in London too, here it is just cold and late!
    Hope you have a great Sunday.

    1. You’re very welcome. One thing I love so much about GBBD is getting a glimpse inside gardens located in all corners or our little rock. Thank you for your visit!

    1. Aren’t they though? They’re like little scouts working ahead of the spring color party in the garden. ^_^

  3. Ciao Jane, thank you for visiting my blog. Yes we do get snow here but not all the winter, usually just in February although it has been know to arrive as late as April. I am very interested in your seed sowing experiment. My efforts have been rather poor and I am about to embark another another batch today – why do I bother?
    Happy springtime. Y

    1. Hello Yvonne! Thank you for your comment. Yes, seed growing inside has been so challenging for us. I think it is the combination of not many sunny windows, our busy schedule, and the four-footed garden helpers that share our home with us. Ah well, we’ll see how it works this year. Best of luck to your efforts!

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